Integrated Accounting for Solicitors, Auctioneers & Estate Agents
  • Italax.Net is a Fully Integrated Accounting Program for Solicitors, Auctioneers & Estate Agents
  • Fully Integrated means that the program contains all the necessary modules to cater for ALL of your accounting needs as a Solicitor, Auctioneers & Estate Agency Practice including:
    • Client/Matter Ledger card showing ALL transactions pertaining to the Client/Matter.
    • Comprehensive Debtors System including Direct Billing, Cash Receipts, Aged Debtors
    • Comprehensive Creditors System including Purchase Invoice, Purchases Payment, aged Creditors
    • Comprehensive Nominal Ledger System
    • Time Recording
    • Comprehensive Pro-Forma Invoice and Pro-Forma Invoice Management System
  • Reports in respect of the interaction between Office and Clients
    • Instant Access to up to date Client/Matter Ledger Cards, by Client, Matter or File reference.
    • Date driven Client Transactions Reports including:
      • Client Cash Receipts
      • Client Payments
      • To Date Client Balances Listing
      • To Date Overdrawn Client Balances Listing
      • To Date Client Bank Balances Listing
      • Client Aged Balances Listing
      • Client Unchanged Balances Listing
      • Client Bank (s) Reconciliations
      • Full Listing (Hyperlink)
    • Date Driven Office transactions reports in respect of Clients including:
      • Direct Bills issued
      • Cash Received from Client directly or by transfer from Client Account
      • Aged Debtors Listing (outstanding invoices)
      • Client Balances Summary report showing both Office and Client Balances
      • Outlays/Disbursements paid out.
      • Summary of Un-invoiced Outlays. (investment in outlays)
      • Full Listing (Hyperlink)
  • Reports in respect of the accounting requirements of the business
    • Nominal Ledger Reports
      • By Date Trial Balance
      • By Date Income and Expenditure Account
      • By Date Balance Sheet
      • Nominal Journals entered Listing
    • Office Reports
      • Sales Invoice Listing/Bills Issued Listing
      • Cash Receipts from Client Listing
      • Non Client Related Cash Receipts Listing
      • Vat Analysis on Cash Receipts Basis or Invoice Basis
      • Dormant/Unchanged Outlay balances listing
      • Office Bank (s) Reconciliations
      • Purchases Invoices Listing
      • Purchases Payments Listing
      • Aged Creditors Listing (outstanding purchases invoices listing)
      • Pro-Forma Invoices and Pro-Forma Debtors Listings
      • Full Listing (Hyperlink)
  • All transactions can be entered using Unique File Reference
  • Split Client Transactions over multiple Client/Matters
  • Split Disbursements over multiple Clients/Matters
  • Link Purchases invoices related to Clients to individual Clients/Matters
  • Split Cash Received over multiple Clients/Matters
  • Transfer any Cash Receipt from one Client to another.
  • All screens can be customised so that they show only what you want to see.
  • Sales Allocations facility to select the invoice being paid by any particular cash receipt.
  • Facility to move client monies between interest bearing client banks to maximise receipts
  • Client Transactions can be allocated the exact date that they cleared the bank for reconciliations purposes.
  • Client Bank Transaction or Transfer can be added as the Reconciliation is being completed.
  • Purchases Invoices can be allocated specific Vat Rates or multiple Vat Rates
  • Purchase Invoices can be split over multiple Nominal Codes
  • Small rounding differences on Purchases and Sales Invoices can be added as required.
  • Suppliers can be set up with a default Vat Rate and a Default Nominal Ledger Code at inception. This is then automatically access as any purchase invoice is entered.
  • Cheque Payments can be split over multiple Nominal Ledger Codes